Murshidabadi muslin and Jharkhandi tussar may soon find a place in the closets of global fashionistas. The Government is planning to convert these indigenous products into internationally saleable commodities.

Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) has decided to focus on investments in the khadi and village industries sectors during the Twelfth Five Year Plan period, said Mr Uday Kumar Varma, Secretary, MSME.

“Including khadi, we could pick 50 specific commodities, such as muslin of Murshidabad and tusser of Jharkhand, redesign, better package them, and convert them into internationally saleable commodities,” Mr Varma said at a National Institute of Design event.

“The village industries' turnover is more than that of Hindustan Lever. There is great potential in the sector and it will soon get its due,” he added.

These products often fail to compete in the international markets due to their shortcomings in designing and packaging. In order to revolutionise the sector, the Government is planning to invest in designing, branding and marketing.

“In order to meet the design needs of the industry, there will be a need for 10 more NIDs,” said Mr Varma.

The Government and Asian Development Bank are providing assistance worth $150 million to 300 khadi institutions.

The reform programme, Khadi Reforms and Development Programme, will also open 20 new sales outlets in metros and state capitals and assist in renovation and modernisation of the existing outlets.