What gadgets do you use?

Many of them. iPad, iPhone, iPod, Bose Mini system etc.

Which is the latest gadget you picked up?

I took a new iPod Nano Touch for jogging. Pretty cool.

What brand do you like and why?

Clearly, Apple. Excellent ease of use and functionality

What is your dream machine?

Dream machine would be a much smaller laptop with at least five times the current battery life. Would be great for travel.

What do you not like about technology?

Incompatibility of various gadgets. Not sure why all mobiles cannot have the same charger pin or all laptops having same charger.

Which apps are you addicted to?

Google maps, LinkedIn, CNN Money, World Clock

One anecdote relating to tech (or the lack of it).

There is a movie where this hotel room has the big, old TV. This kid asks his dad what was the box attached to TV and the dad responds “it is rest of the TV!!” Clearly we have come a long way where just having a TV was a big deal.

What's the biggest tech disaster according to you?

Many of the largest and best global companies fail to recognise such obvious shift in consumer behaviour and get marginalised. For example, shift to smartphones, migration to e-commerce, adoption of digital media etc.

One instance where technology solved your problem.

I think the new Google Maps is very helpful in driving. It is extremely easy to use and can be used on iPhone itself, avoiding use of a separate GPS system.