At least a dozen men allegedly gang-raped a 20-year-old woman in Birbhum district of West Bengal on the orders of village elders, Police said on Thursday.

The woman was sexually assaulted on Tuesday for having a relationship with a man from another community, Police said.

Police arrested 13 men, including the village headman who ordered the rape, Deputy Police Chief Prasanta Chowdhury said.

The victim, who was admitted to hospital, told reporters that she was attacked after her family said it was unable to pay a fine of Rs 25,000 ($400) imposed by the council.

Chowdhury said the headman convened the "court" at the village square after the couple was spotted together.

"The girl and her companion were tied to two separate trees and fined Rs 25,000 each for having the affair," Chowdhury said. "When her parents said they were unable to pay the fine, the headman ordered that she should be raped by villagers as punishment," Chowdhury said.

Unofficial courts are not uncommon in Indian villages, where community leaders have sanctioned killings of couples for reasons including marrying outside their caste.