Hundreds of Buddhist monks gathered outside the UN headquarters in Bangkok and Indian embassy to demand increased security at the recently bombed Mahabodhi shrine in India.

More than 400 Buddhist monks from across South and South-East Asia marched to the UN and then the Indian embassy to protest Sunday’s bombing of the Mahabodhi temple that injured at least two monks.

The Mahabodhi complex in Bihar state is enshrined as the site where Gautama Buddha achieved enlightment.

“The Mahabodhi is like the heart of Buddhists all over the world, so the bombing was a shock,” said Pornchai Pinyapong, head of the World Youth Buddhist Association that organized Wednesday’s protest.

“We want the Indian Government to protect the Mahabodhi shrine more seriously and restore the damaged sections,” he said.

Indian police on Monday detained one suspect in connection with bombings but have yet to press charges.

“There were 16 CCTVs at the shrine but only one was working,” Pornchai said, as an example of what he said were inadequate security measures at the sacred site.

The Sunday attack was the first such attack on a Buddhist religious centre in India.

Mahabodhi is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, visited by hundreds of thousands of pilgrims and tourists from across the world each year.