Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney enjoyed a record surge in his campaign donations in September, raising $170.4 million and now has more than $191 million cash on hand ahead of the November 6 presidential elections.

The Obama Campaign had raised some $181 million over the same period.

Romney Campaign and the Republican National Convention have raised more than $700 million this election cycle.

“Americans can’t afford four more years like the last four. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are offering voters a vision for our country that will grow the economy, increase incomes, and bring relief to the middle class,” said the Romney Victory National Finance Chairman Spencer Zwick.

According to a fact sheet issued by the Romney Campaign, 93.1 percent of all donations received in September were $250 or less. As many as $43.15 million were raised by donations under $250; and 1,011,773 donations received were under $250.

“President Obama has demonstrated that he can’t defend his record of four years of failure,” said Republican National Convention Chairman Reince Priebus.

“Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have a much different vision than President Obama’s policies of larger government, a stagnant economy, and more government dependence. They are offering voters a pro-growth plan that will finally get our country on the right track again. It is why the Romney-Ryan ticket is seeing such tremendous support and it is why we will win in November,” he said.