I enjoy hiking. The problem is I always end up with painful blisters on my feet. How can I prevent this?


The trick is to keep your feet dry at all times, Rocky. Follow this course: Strap on boots one size larger than your regular shoes, yes? Before you pull on your socks (thick ones), pour talcum powder into them. This prevents perspiration. While crossing a stream, remove your socks. Wear your boots sans socks to prevent cuts from pebbles and shards underwater. After crossing, dry feet and boots and re-powder. Hiker’s wisdom: If there is a particular hotspot where a blister erupts—the back of the heel, for example—stick a band-aid on it in advance.

What’s the best way to do a sit-up?


The best sit-up is the one that has maximum benefit on your abs yet minimum strain on your back, Abhay. Do this today: Lie on your back, knees bent, soles flat on the floor. Place your hands lightly behind your neck. Smoothly raise your head off the ground without dipping your chin to the chest. Simultaneously, raise your shoulders 2 to 5 inches off the ground. (Don’t go above 10 inches as that strains the back.) Smoothly lower head and shoulders back to the floor. Do 10 + 10 reps. Try this later: As the stomach muscles get conditioned, wrap a 1-kg dumbbell in a napkin and hold it in your hands behind your neck while doing sit-ups.

( The writer is co-author of the book Fitness for Life. Write to bloncampus@thehindu.co.in with your queries.)