The Indian School of Business is stepping up its focus on research, especially on issues related to the emerging markets.

“There has been a steady increase in our research programmes in areas such as India and the emerging markets, the financial markets, intellectual property rights and mergers and acquisitions,” Prof Sanjay Kallapur, Senior Associate Dean, Faculty and Research, ISB told The New Manager here.

Various issues pertaining to pubic policy and healthcare delivery are also being studied by the premier business school.

“Our focus is on publishing in the top journals of the world,” Prof Kallapur said.

Research at ISB is faculty-driven. The school encourages its faculty members to take up individual research projects. “This research is mostly published. Last year alone ISB faculty published 68 research papers in various journals,” he said.

To encourage young researchers, ISB started a research programme called the Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) last year. “Our target was to attract fairly young talent to take up research in management,” the associate dean said. Spread over four or five years, the programme is fully-funded with every fellow receiving a stipend of Rs 40,000 per month. “There has been a very good response to the fellow programme this year and we received a large number of applications,” Mr Kallapur said.

ISB plans to increase the intake of fellows to over 20 this year from five currently, he added.