Financial tech start-up Innovage Fintech Pvt Ltd has announced the launch of true blue financial portal

According to the release issued by the company, empowers its clients to take complete charge of their finances and achieve their short- and long-term financial goals, by providing them direct, impartial, comprehensive, research-based and structured financial insights. helps its customers effectively manage their money and build their portfolios for their entire lifecycle.

Ajay A Singh, Founder Director, said, “We started to drive positive transformation of financial lives for individuals across all segments. Our platform is one of the most sophisticated wizards ever created in the financial space, delivering personalised solutions while covering multiple asset classes as well as liabilities.”


Dinesh Rohira, Founder & CEO, said, “Personalized Automated Advisor, will be an unbiased advisory service provided exclusively to our clients, considering clients’ specific goals and optimising investments in due consideration of their respective risk appetites. The use of smart technology enables us to reach our clients through the secured channels of their choice.” will provide India’s first Robo advisory platforms without charging clients. The portal will offer numerous investment products including mutual funds, insurance, corporate fixed deposits, gold, bonds, equities, loans, credit cards, etc. will provide free advisory services based on detailed research by in-house domain experts on various products across different asset classes that will help them make informed choices.