Beverage giant Coca-Cola India said it has partnered with Adani Group’s subsidiary, Adani Digital Labs Private Limited, to optimise the reach of its brands to consumers across the country.

“As part of this first-of-its-kind initiative, Coca-Cola India is working with Adani Digital Labs to use the consumer-centric platform for product sampling and develop deep consumer insights and unparalleled ‘direct connect’ with the consumers. Coca-Cola is among the first brands to make its products available on this innovative platform,” the statement added.

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As part of the partnership, select new products under Coca-Cola India’s portfolio- Fanta Apple Delite and Charged by Thums Up- will be made available for sampling at key Indian airports.

Adani sampling is a digital platform that allows brands to interact with travellers and target customers with high spending and purchasing power. The platform is currently live at seven airports and Adani’s C&G stations and will be expanded to other locations.

Key levers

Greishma Singh, Vice President, Customer & Commercial Leadership, India & Southwest Asia Operating Unit, The Coca-Cola Company, said, “Digital and product innovation are both key growth levers for us at Coca-Cola India. We are always on the lookout for exciting new ways for consumers to try our new products and this partnership with Adani Digital Labs Private Ltd provides a SaaS-based sampling ecosystem. We see this as part of a long-term partnership with Adani, and look forward to collaborating with them on more such unique initiatives in the coming months.”

Nitin Sethi, Sr. Vice President & Chief Digital Officer-Consumer Business, Adani Group, said, “We are thrilled to associate with Coca-Cola. With the help of our digital ecosystem, we want to add value to the brand by helping them form an irrevocable connection with its consumers. Through our services, we want to continuously simplify the consumer experience of the brand.”

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The partnership, which kick-started at Lucknow Airport, involved free product sampling of the two products by Coca-Cola India for travellers passing through the city. The initiative aims at ramping up awareness about the product offerings and influencing ‘consumers’ purchase decisions. The partnership will further be scaled to other locations in the country in 2023.