The Prime Minister of Bhutan, Tshering Tobgay, who emerged as a showstopper at the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit on Sunday after his impressive speech, turned to the land of White Revolution in India, Anand to visit the India's largest milk cooperative dairy, Amul on Tuesday.

"I was impressed by hearing about Amul. Therefore I have come here to see it personally. I pay my respect to the commitment of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and Dr Verghese Kurien. It is because of Dr Kurien, the farmers of the world received a social status," Tobgay said on visiting the dairy. A delegation of 19 members including the Prime Minister's wife and daughter visited and experienced milk processing and manufacturing of milk products at the Amul dairy.

Notably, Tobgay impressed the delegates at the Convention hall of Mahatma Mandir with his witty but thought-provoking speech. He said, more than GDP, his country valued gross national happiness. "Bhutan is open for business, but only for clean, green and sustainable," Tobgay had told the gathering of Who's who from the world business arena.

Also, on a separate visit the Australian Delegation lead by Senator Richard Colbeck, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Agriculture; Mike Carter, Trade Commissioner, Agriculture & Food & Beverage Industry; Slava Zeman, Agricutlure Counsellor, Department of Agricutlure; Jane Lovell, Advisor to the Senator; and Anirban Deb, Business Development Manager, Austrade, New Delhi visited Dudhmansagar Dairy, Manesar, Haryana on January 11, 2015.

The delegation will also visit the Dudhsagar Dairy in Mehsana in Gujarat on January 16 to get the experience of the Amul-model, empowering the rural masses especially women, and in the process being part of the nation building.

Impressed by the level of plant automation and quality standards at each level of processing during their visit to the Manesar plant, the delegation expressed interest in looking at ways for collaboration between Australia and Amul-Dudhsagar in the field of dairying, dairy education, dairy research, etc.

"Dudhsagar Dairy Chairman, Vipul Chaudhary and its officials and Australian delegation will explore the possibilities of mutual business for dairy production building projects, productivity enhancement programmes, education and various other similar fields," a statement informed here.