The settings are eerie. There's a vampire baring his fangs and later flying off into the dark night as a bat.

Thursday's doodle is inspired by Bram Stoker's cult novel 'Dracula'.

Google on Thursday celebrated the 165th birth anniversary of Irish author, Bram Stoker (Abraham Stoker) with its 'Dracula'-inspired doodle.

The lettering of the word 'Google' on the doodle is inspired by the cover of the first edition of 'Dracula' published in 1897.

In tune with the plot of the novel, the doodle tries to create that air of mystery and suspense around it.

A cloaked Count Dracula is seen menacingly baring his fangs as a crescent moon appears behind the castle on the 'Carpathian Mountains'. Dracula's favoured shape-shift forms, a bat, flies in the night sky.

Other characters also appear on the black and white doodle with only the Google letters appearing in blood red.

Bram Stoker was born on November 8, 1847 in Clontarf, Ireland. Stoker turned to fiction much later in life, his first book published in 1879 was a legal administration handbook.

His first work of fiction is said to be The Primrose Path, in 1875. It appeared in five issues of The Shamrock (Dublin) between February and March, 1875.

His first published novel was 'The Snake's Pass' in 1890. His masterpiece, 'Dracula' came out seven years after his first (in 1897). Initially, the response to Dracula was average, but it gained popularity after Stoker's death.

Before writing Dracula, Stoker is said to have spent considerable time researching European folklore and mythological stories of vampires. Dracula was an epistolary novel, written as a collection of realistic, but completely fictional, diary entries, telegrams, letters, ship's logs, and newspaper clippings, all of which added a level of detailed realism to the story, a skill Stoker is said to have developed as a newspaper writer.

Stoker is said to have authored around 19 novels but is remembered most for the classic Dracula, which has been adapted several times on the silver screen.

He died on April 20, 1912 in London.
