Amid reports of a low voter turnout in Mumbai, celebrities and activists have urged citizens to step out and cast their vote.

Many have complained >about their names not being on the voters list . Filmmaker >Ken Ghosh tweeted, “Its not low voter turnout in Mumbai, high rate of name not on voter list... Entire buildings not featuring in list.”

Music director and singer >Vishal Dadlani tweeted, “Single-digit turnout in South Mumbai so far. I was born and brought up here, still vote from here. Deeply ashamed of the apathy, though!!”

>Soha Ali Khan also did her part in urging Mumbaikars to vote, she tweeted “In the 2009 general election mumbai had the lowest turnout of 41.4% today the big day is here again - it's time to stand up and be counted!”

Another twitter user Ripper@Ace_Of_Pace tweeted, “If only polling booths could draw as much crowds as Ganpati pandals do, Mumbai would have the highest voter turnout in the country.”