All the central trade unions in the country — the INTUC, the AITUC, the CITU and others — are planning a three-day general strike in protest against “the anti-labour policies of the Union Government’’.

A meeting will be held on September 4 in New Delhi to discuss the issue and decide the dates, according to G. Sanjiva Reddy, national president of the Indian National Trade Union Congress affiliated to the Congress Party.

He said at a press meet here on Tuesday that even though he belonged to the Congress Party and he was even on the Congress working committee, he did not hesitate to protest against “the anti-labour policies of the Government’’. 

Disinvestment in profit-making public sector units such as the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, changing of labour laws to suit the convenience of the employers and introduction of contract labour in all jobs were some of the policies of the Government which would go against the interests of the labour. 

“Even though we have made known our views on these issues to the Government, there is no proper response and we have no option but to go on three-day strike. Even the railway unions will participate in it. We hope the Government will change its mind at least now,’’ he said.

Sanjiva Reddy said he was also the president of the co-ordination committee of all central trade unions and he would never compromise on protecting the interests of the labour.

In response to a question why he should not quit the Congress working committee in protest against the policies of the Government, as he felt so strongly about them, he said it would not serve the purpose. He wanted to bring about a change in the attitude and policies of the Government, staying within the Congress party.