LinkedIn has announced three new features to combat fake profiles and vicious use of the platform, according to a Bleeping Computer report. The features include providing additional information about user profiles, back-end features to detect fake profiles, and systems to report suspicious messages.

Firstly, the new ‘about this profile’ feature will provide information as to when a profile was created or last updated, verified phone number or email.  The Vice-President, product management, Oscar Rodriguez, said the feature will roll out this week and will appear in more places over the coming weeks, including when viewing invitations and messages.

About this profile feature

About this profile feature

Secondly, the platform will use AI technology to scan new profile photo uploads and prevent fraudulent activity.

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Finally, LinkedIn will detect potentially high-risk content, alert recipients with warnings, and provide the option to report content. The platform will display warnings even when a chat participant proposes to redirect a conversation to a different platform, such as WhatsApp or WeChat. 

LinkedIn alert

LinkedIn alert

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