Instagram Collabs feature allows users to share posts or Reels in collaboration with other accounts. The feature will attract more views as the content can be viewed by the followers of the original author and co-authors.

The creator of the post will have to send a collaboration request to another user. On acceptance, the collab post will appear in the timeline of the original author and collaborators. The original author can add or remove a collaborator at any time. If the original author deletes the post, it will be removed from the collaborator's profile as well.

Nevertheless, a private account user on Instagram cannot invite collaborators.

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Here’s how to invite collaborator

Step 1: Log in to your Instagram account.

Step 2: Create a post or a Reel of your choice.

Step 3: Proceed to share the content.

Step 4: Click on ‘tag people’ option from the menu.

Step 5: Tap the ‘invite collaborator’ button appearing in the right corner.

Step 6: Search for the user you want to collaborate with and select their username.

Note: You can add multiple accounts as collaborators for a single post. However, they will have to accept your Collab request.

Step 7: Now, proceed to share.

Also read: How to create your own Instagram avatar

Here’s how to accept request

If another user creates a post and requests you to collaborate, you will have to accept the invite.

Step 1: Open your Instagram account.

Step 2: Click on the invite notification from your Instagram activity page.

Step 3: Tap the review button and accept the request.

The post will now appear on your timeline. It will also reveal the accounts you have collaborated with.

The platform recently launched the ability to add notes. Click to how to share Instagram Notes.