Big Bazaar’s three-day annual shopping festival, coinciding with the Republic Day celebrations, will knock at your doorsteps this year.

Experiencing more than double the footfalls during the festival in the last few years, the retailer has expanded the scope of shopping through mobile stores and franchise sales that will bring the choice of your goods to your doorstep at the same discounted rates. The festival starts from Friday across the retailers’ pan-India network.

“We have seen the average footfalls double during the three-day festival sales from the average weekend footfalls of about 25,000 a day for each outlet. To meet this rush, we have introduced two new platforms for sales this year,” said Venkateshwar Kumar, Vice-President-South.

The retailer has appointed a network of franchisees across the country, who will visit households with a tablet that would show the entire range of offerings, ranging from food products to apparels, at the discounted prices. All the customer has to do is to click on the tablet to select the goods he or she wants to purchase and these will be delivered within a couple of days.

“For example, Hyderabad has eight franchisees, who could be the neighbourhood chemist or a real estate agent. These franchisees are located at places which do not have a Big Bazaar outlet in the vicinity. So, people in these catchments need not visit an outlet for purchases,” Kumar said.

These franchisees are currently doing a business of ₹1.5 to ₹2 lakh a month.

“In the next two to three months, we are targeting a business of about ₹5 lakh a month from each of these franchises,” he told Business Line .

To further expand its reach, the retailer has readied a fleet of specially designed trucks having a sample of all its offerings.