The Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) has decried a recent government directive empowering managements of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) to forcibly retire employees from services in the name of “ensuring probity and efficacy” on a quarterly basis.

Flaying the “anti-worker policy” of the Centre, Rajya Sabha MP and CITU general secretary Tapan Sen accused the Narendra Modi government of introducing private corporate culture in the public sector to minimise any resistance to its plan to go in for ‘mega strategic sale’ of CPSEs.

“CPSEs have been directed through written orders to the effect that each and every CPSEs must incorporate such changes in their Conduct and Discipline & Appeal Rules and draw quarterly calendar to review the so called “probity and efficacy” of the employees and resort to compulsory retirement and compliance should be reported to the Department of Public Enterprises,” Sen said in a statement, while calling upon all PSU unions to protest the move.

He claimed the stipulation that this provision be applied six months before the employee concerned attains the age of 50/55 years or 30 years of service as the case may be, has already been incorporated by some public sector companies, such as SAIL and BEML.

Maintaining that at the age of 50/55, employees attain “higher skill and experience and also reaches the stage of highest social responsibility towards their family,” CITU said the decision was bound to affect operational efficiency of the CPSEs.