The various regulatory bodies governing medical practice, doctors, dentists and nurses, are likely to come under scrutiny, Harsh Vardhan, Minister of Health and Family Welfare, said on Monday.

Vardhan said he aimed to end the corruption and inefficiencies within the Medical Council of India, Dental Council of India and Indian Nursing Council.

High-level committees are looking into the structure, system and laws governing these councils. Vardhan has promised “radical changes” in them soon.

Disease eradication

The Medical Council of India has recently been caught in the crossfire over corruption charges, overlooking ethical conduct of doctors’ associations and other issues.

Vardhan also said that the Ministry is seeking to eradicate Kala Azar from the country by 2015.

The Minister said that the Indian Council for Medical Research has developed a non-invasive diagnostic kit for dealing with the disease, the incidence of which is prevalent in four States.

Measles and leprosy are among the other diseases that the Ministry aims to deal with on a priority basis. The Minister added that the Government is holding consultation meetings with at least 12 Chief Ministers to establish more AIIMs-like institutes.

Research focus

He added that health-related research will be a top focus for the government in all areas — rural health, vaccination, communicable/non-communicable diseases, nano-technology, molecular biology and others.

While talking about the achievements, Vardhan said his Ministry is working on a roadmap for the Universal Health Assurance Mission, under which the 50 essential drugs, 30 Ayush drugs and certain diagnostic services would be assured to the citizen.

A free insurance scheme would be integrated into this for those below the poverty line, while the rest of the population will have to pay a “low premium,” Vardhan said.