A consortium of Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GSPC) and Essar Oil plans to launch a one-well exploratory drilling campaign at the onshore block in South East Tungkal gas basin of Central Sumatra in mid-2012.

GSPC has 50.5 per cent operating interest in the block. The rest is held by Essar.

“We are expecting to close the 2-D seismic survey in the block in November. The drilling is expected to start some time in the middle of 2012,” a GSPC source said.

Incidentally, the block is so far India's sole presence in the former OPEC country's vast gas sector. The onshore block was one of the 29 exploration acreages awarded in 2008 through competitive bidding.


Political uncertainty has slowed down GSPC's oil hunt in Yemen. The company holds operating interest in three exploration assets in the Arabian country. Alkor Petroo and Jubilant Enpro of India hold participatory interest in all three blocks.

“We are in the process of award tenders for seismic survey in two blocks. The other block is undergoing pre-seismic technical evaluation,” the source said.

The Gujarat government owned company has participatory interest in two offshore blocks in Australia with operating interest held by Apache Corp and Oilex respectively.

Sources suggest that drilling in one of the block has remained unsuccessful so far.