Google is rolling out new features to make in-app browsing in Android smoother, according to a report by TechCrunch. These include partial custom tabs and auto-filling passwords.

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Partial custom tabs

As per the report, the partial custom tabs feature allows for more control around the initial launch height of a tab. Users can, for instance, open a tab up to half a screen when they click on an article link. The feature allows users to simultaneously interact with the app and in-app browser.

According to Google, partial custom tabs are supported by select in-app browsers. This includes Google Chrome.

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Google is also advocating for Chrome custom tabs over WebView.

“When adding a web experience to your Android app, simply launching a browser from your app forces users to leave your app, with the risk of abandonment for that session. WebViews allow you to build your own in-app browser, but can be a complex process with higher maintenance overhead,” Google said in a blog post.

Also read: Now, lock ‘incognito’ tabs when you leave Chrome

Auto-fill passwords

Users will soon be able to fill in passwords and other saved details (like address and phone number) without leaving in-app browsers. TechCrunch, in its report, noted that the feature would prove helpful when an app has an in-app browser log-in pop-up (as seen on Instagram, when accessing other sites through the app.)