A large number of Indian enterprises are adopting multi-cloud strategies to meet the specific technology needs of different teams across the organisation., according to a study from 451 Research, part of S&P Global Market Intelligence, commissioned by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Nearly 98 per cent of enterprises surveyed in India are using or plan to use at least two cloud infrastructure providers and 33 per cent are using four or more.  96 per cent reported they are using or plan to use at least two cloud application providers (Software-as-a-Service), with 51 per cent using cloud applications from five or more providers.

Multi-cloud is the use of cloud services from two or more vendors and it gives organisations more flexibility to optimise performance, control costs, and leverage the best cloud technologies available.

“As cloud becomes one of the most critical enablers of business success, organisations are increasingly keen towards achieving an edge in their cloud strategies. Selecting one cloud provider is no longer considered the most beneficial business decision. Instead, having access to best-of-breed services is a top priority.

“Oracle’s multi-cloud approach, with OCI’s distributed cloud, is well aligned with our customers’ preferences – it also addresses one of our ultimate goals of offering customers choice with business agility,” said Srikanth Doranadula, group vice president, technology and systems, Oracle India.

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The right mix

The top two drivers of multi-cloud strategies for Indian enterprises are data sovereignty (53 per cent of surveyed) and cost optimisation (37 per cent).  Other drivers of multi-cloud strategies include business agility and innovation (32 per cent), Vendor influence (28 per cent) and Best of breed cloud services and applications (27 per cent).

Multi-cloud strategies give enterprises more control over where and how their data is stored and used, while also ensuring businesses can control the costs of their cloud operations by adjusting which services they use from different providers.

“The ‘one-stop-shop’ mentality has died when it comes to the cloud. Instead, multi-cloud is the reality of enterprise technology environments as these organisations seek to get the right mix of solutions and capabilities they need to operate effectively,” said Melanie Posey, research director, Cloud & Managed Services Transformation at 451 Research.