The Centre recently announced the implementation of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 for granting citizenship to undocumented non-Muslim migrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan who came to India before December 31, 2014. businessline’s Anjana PV spoke to Dalip Singh, Deputy Editor, businessline, on the societal impact and complexities and implications of the act.

The CAA 2019 grants Indian citizenship to migrants belonging to Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Christian, and Parsi communities who faced religious persecution in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. These rules streamline the citizenship process for eligible migrants, reducing the time required for naturalisation .

However, the Act has sparked debates and concerns, particularly regarding exclusion of Muslims. Critics argue that it violates constitutional principles of equality before the law. Singh also spoke about the concerns raised by states such as Tamil Nadu and Kerala, mentioning that citizenship is a union subject, making it unlikely for states to impede the Act’s implementation.

Listen in to the podcast now.