Continuing to attack the Centre on its management of the economy, the Congress said demonetisation was an attack on India’s poor, its farmers, labourers and small shopkeepers. Party leader Rahul Gandhi said it was an attack on India’s unorganised economy.

In the second episode of his video series ‘Arthvyavastha Ki Baat, Rahul Gandhi ke saath’, He said demonetising neither erased black money as promised nor benefitted the poor. “So, who got the benefit? The advantage was given to India’s biggest billionaires, he charged. How? The money that you in your pockets, that you had in your homes was taken and used by the government to waive the debts of these people,” he said.

Gandhi said the country’s informal sector runs on cash. “The second goal of demonetisation aims to wipe out cash from the system including from informal or urorganised sectors. The Prime Minister himself said that he wanted a cashless India, a cashless Hindustan. However, if there is cashless India, the informal sector will be destroyed. Who suffered? The farmers, labourers, small shopkeepers, small and medium businesses. Those who were dependent on cash, those who cannot live without cash,” he said.

‘Disastrous move’

Congress’s chief spokesman Randeep Singh Surjewala said the Narendra Modi government is pushing India towards economic collapse and financial emergency. He said demonetisation, GST and lockdown were not master strokes but were disaster strokes. “A Government drunk with arrogance in annihilating India’s economy, enterprise of the industry, toiling labour of the farmer and aspiration of the youth with the sole objective to remain in power at any cost and at all costs. The Prime Minister is too occupied in image makeover by feeding peacocks, creating photo opportunities, changing dresses and ensuring that television is his only vision,” he said and added that it it time to rise from the shackles of “this ruinous Modi Government” and rediscover the aspirations and hopes of India. “There are dark clouds of economic decay all around us. Lives, livelihoods and jobs have been ravaged. Businesses and small and medium industries lie dilapidated,” the Congress leader said.