The Lok Sabha elections this year is expected to witness largest participation of persons to exercise their franchise, owing to nearly 97 crore electors having registered across the country, which is 6 per cent more than the registered voters from 2019, the Election Commission of India said on Friday.

Significant increase has been seen in electoral registrations amongst women, who surpassed males during the special summary revision (SSR) 2024, youth and persons with disabilities. “The largest electorate in the world -– 96.88 crore are registered to vote for the forthcoming General Elections in India,” the EC said.

According to the ECI, the gender ratio has increased from 940 in 2023 to 948 in 2024. “Noteworthy in this publication is the remarkable increase in female voter registrations, exemplifying a concerted effort towards gender parity and inclusivity within the electoral framework. The Electoral Roll gender ratio has surged positively, indicating the growing role of women in shaping the democratic fabric of the nation. Over 2.63 crore new electors have been included in the electoral roll, out of which around 1.41 crore are female electors who surpassed the newly enrolled male voters (1.22 crore) by over 15 per cent,” the ECI said in a statement.

The ECI has published the electoral rolls in all States/UTs across the country with reference to January 1, this year, as the qualifying date. This also included

successful completion of revision of electoral rolls in Jammu & Kashmir and Assam, following the delimitation of constituencies, the ECI informed.

More than 2 crore young electors, spanning the 18-19 and 20-29 age groups, have been added to the electoral roll. Special Assistant Electoral Registration Officers (AEROs) were appointed at the constituency level to facilitate youth enrolment directly from educational institutions, fostering greater civic engagement among the younger populace, the Commission pointed out about its efforts.

The ECI said, a “commendable effort” was made to support the PwDs by flagging around 88.35 lakh such voters in the electoral roll database, ensuring accessibility and inclusivity on polling day.

A total of over 10.64 lakh advance applications from 17 plus youth was accepted by the ECI for registration at three subsequent qualifying dates of the year i.e. April 1, July 1 and October 1. These advance applications, the Commission said, shall be disposed of in the relevant quarters.