A 113-year-old Spanish woman believed to be the oldest woman in the country has recently recovered from Covid-19, according to media reports.

Maria Branyas was diagnosed with Covid-19 in March after Spain went into a complete lockdown.

Branyas has recovered after weeks in isolation, having suffered only mild symptoms, according to a BBC report.

"Now that she is well, she is wonderful, she wants to speak, to explain, to make her reflections, it is her again," her daughter tweeted as quoted by the report.

Branyas also expressed her gratitude through her twitter account operated by her daughter, stating that she is “indebted” to all those who have passed away due to this “unfortunate situation.”

According to a report by La Vanguardia, Branyas was born on March 4, 1907. She had arrived in the Catalan province of Girona during World War One with her Spanish journalist father who was responsible for the American magazine “Mercurio”. She has three children and 11 grandchildren the oldest of whom is 60 and 13 great-grandchildren.

She has lived through the flu pandemic of 1918-19, as well as World War I and World War II along with the 1936-39 Spanish Civil War.

Having recovered from the disease, she currently lives at her residence in Olot residence, Santa María del Tura.

Previously, 101-year old Italian man "Mr P." was believed to be the oldest person to recover from the novel coronavirus, according to a report by the Xinhua news agency.

Back in March, the 101-year old man in the coastal Italian town of Rimini had recovered from Covid-19, according to media reports. As per reports, a patient dubbed as “Mr P” was admitted to the infirm Hospital in Remini, Italy. The 101-year old Mr P was born in 1919 after his mother had survived the 1918 flu pandemic which had claimed the lives of over 600,000 Italians.