The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) here showcased the wonders of marine life to a large number of visitors on its 76th foundation day. Visitors, mostly students, were enthralled by the sight of giant fish like humpead wrasee, whale shark, precious pearls, and more.

The open house exhibition held to mark CMFRI’s 77th Foundation Day offered a glimpse into the wonders of marine biodiversity.

The museum, laboratories, marine aquarium, library, hatcheries, and agricultural technology centre were open to the public on the occasion.

An interactive display board at the museum with 3D marine species models supported by scientific information was a big hit, delighting visitors with a quick overview of marine biodiversity.

The distribution of illustrated badges conveying the message of conservation of marine resources, including those facing extinction, was a highlight of the exhibition. Students wore these badges and became part of a new awareness campaign.

Various species of fish, including hammerhead sharks, tiger sharks, paper sharks, stingrays, guitarfish, and a variety of shellfish were on display in the laboratories.

Visitors also got attracted to the show of finfish and shellfish resources such as flying fish, dolphin fish, rare species of sharks and rays, giant tiger shrimps and giant-sized crabs. The exhibition also offered marine ornamental varieties, pearls, pearl oysters, squid jigs, different varieties of mangroves, seaweeds, corals etc. Ear-rings made up of fish otoliths also drew the attention of the public.

Models of cage fish farming, integrated multi-trophic aquaculture system (IMTA), and recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) were demonstrated to the public. Research works shedding light on the genetic secrets of marine species were also on display. Laboratories related to molecular biology, bio-prospecting, cell culture, fishery biology, environmental research, climate change, ocean acidification etc. also were opened to the public during the programme.