Menstrual leave

This refers to ‘Menstrual leave should be the woman’s choice’ (March 7). While women have come a long way from being forced to confine themselves to their homes without education to now proving their mettle in every sphere of human activity, there are several odds that are still stacked against them.

In this context, steps towards legal provisions to ensure women in the country’s workforce avail themselves of menstrual leave could mark a new beginning. The argument that instituting period leave could help make work spaces more inclusive and accommodating cannot be ignored. But given the entrenched patriarchal values and norms guiding Indian society, where menstruation still remains a taboo topic, menstrual leave could end up as another measure for discrimination. An objective debate and discussion on menstrual leave are urgently needed.

M Jeyaram

Sholavandan, TN

Giving back to society

This refers to ‘Son of the soil back to remote Odisha to set up school’ (March 7). There is no dearth of rags to riches stories in India, but what is rare is rich people going back to their roots to serve their own people in whatever capacity they can. Kudos to Pradeep Sethi for ensuring that children from his village, Berunapadi, get access to good quality education so that they can also fulfil their dreams. And it is also heartening that his famous clients are extending their help in this noble cause.

Such stories inspire thousands of other people who have seen poverty from close quarters and now want to give back to society.

Bal Govind


Equality in taxation

The has reference to ‘Prime Minister urges private sector to step up investment’ (March 7). This could not have been better timed. He also referred to the much improved gross tax revenue. As regards paying tax being a duty directly related to nation building, the ball truly lies in the government’s court.

Some people continue to enjoy huge state generosity in the form of pensions, tax-free incomes and massive doses of subsidies in various forms. Since ‘Rights and Duties’ happen to be the two sides of the same coin, let there be ‘One Nation, One Taxation’ regime on the direct tax front too.

SK Gupta

New Delhi

Casual workers

This refers to ‘Bleak period for casual workers’ (March 7). Casual workers are among the worst affected when there is an economic slowdown. Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh are the top five States in terms of the number of casual workers. This will mean that the Central Government or respective State governments might have to spend more in these States if they decide to support casual workers. The governments should try to provide market-related wages to the casual workers.

P Sundara Pandian

Virudhunagar, TN

MGNREGA scheme

The MGNREGA scheme has not been that successful. In the initial years, payments were undertaken by third parties which led to a lot of corruption. The poor farmers did not know where to complain when they did not receive remuneration. The mandate of the scheme is to provide at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment. Data show a maximum of 52 days was achieved in FY21. The Government should strive to improve the scheme.

Pavitra Yamuna Sri
