Smart nutrition hubs

Refers to ‘Post poll, ration shops to get a ‘smart nutrition hub’ makeover’ (April 11). The Centre’s proposal to distribute millet and millet-based items through Fair Price Shops would ensure a balanced diet for consumers. The 5.38 lakh FPS serving about 80 crore beneficiaries need tech-oriented upgradation in its operations.

Linkage of Aadhar of the beneficiaries on an ongoing basis is crucial for targetted delivery.

The issues relating to the biometrical examination of beneficiaries while distributing the items are not uncommon and therefore must be addressed to avoid hardships.

Arrangements for working capital facilities from banks at concessional rates will incentivise FPSs to trade millet and millet-based items. The direct supply of the millet and related items by Farmer Producer Organisations will be cost-effective and also facilitate regular supply.

VSK Pillai


Microplastics threat

With reference to the article ‘The unseen threat of microplastics’ (April 11), plastic, which has invaded the human lives in the guise of the most convenient packaging material, is wrecking havoc and silently destroying human health, irreparably.

Human health is under severe threat, because the microplastics, once they enter the human body, cannot be expelled completely through gastrointestinal tract, but they can enter and remain in the blood stream.

After the advent of food delivery platforms, ordering food online has become most common and the food, including steaming hot food, is packed and delivered in plastic pouches. And hot food packed in plastic pouches is contaminated by the chemicals released by heated plastic, which can cause diseases like cancer and severely harm the heart and reproductive systems. It is high time, the governments and research institutions focus on funding research to find an equally convenient and versatile alternative to plastic.

Kosaraju Chandramouli


Water woes

The article ‘Water crisis: Farming the culprit?’ (April 11) made for a useful read.

Karnataka water crisis has demonstrated the need for judicious use of water at all times.

Conserving water is the prime responsibility of every


The governments should take stock of the water situation across the country and ensure efficient distribution.

S Ramakrishnasayee
