1 Watch what you eat. Regulating what you eat is more important than controlling how much you eat. When I looked to lose weight post pregnancies, I not only gave up processed foods but also moved from mixed grains to mono grains, from mixed vegetables to mono vegetables to digest better.

2 Eat till you are not hungry, not till you are full. Most of us have a habit of filling ourselves up till we can take in no more. We must train our minds to tell the body to stop eating when our hunger is satisfied.

3 Incorporate cardio. Make sure you have at least 15 minutes of high-intensity interval training, which is basically run really fast, and stop, take a break. This improves your metabolism.

4 Perform weight training. I have had three babies and with every child, I had put on 20-22 kg. To lose, I started working out using weights. Weight training really increased my metabolism.

5 Be consistent. Make it a routine like brushing or having a bath. I work out every single morning — either at 6 ‘o’ clock or at 9 ‘o’ clock. My workout revolves around weight training and functional training. Rest of the time I play with my children.

Prakriti Poddar , Managing Trustee, Poddar Foundation