Avadh Sugar & Energy Ltd, a K K Birla group company, has reported a net profit of ₹29 crore for the quarter ended September as against a loss of ₹16 crore in the corresponding period a year ago.

Total income of the Kolkata-headquartered company during the quarter stood at ₹799 crore, compared to ₹594 crore in the year-earlier period.

The EBITDA came in higher at ₹78 crore from ₹6 crore in July-September last year, the company said in a release.

"The company now proposes to increase sugar cane crushing capacity from 10,000 TCD (tonnes of cane crushed per day) to 13,000 TCD, and also improve energy efficiency,” it said.

“The Indian agri-economy was impacted by the El Nino effect in 2023, resulting in a rainfall deficit during the critical months of the sugarcane cycle. With an anticipated lower production in the upcoming sugar season, we expect domestic sugar prices to remain firm, reinforcing our positive outlook on the sector,” Co-chairperson C S Nopany said.