Experts from the petroleum refining and oil and gas sector have expressed the need to have a clear strategy at a time when the world is looking into climate change commitments and preparing roadmap for the future energy transition.

Speaking at the activity committee meet on ‘best inspection practices’, organised by Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd (MRPL) and Centre for High Technology (CHT) in Mangaluru on Thursday, Alok Sharma, Executive Director of CHT, said society is now in the energy transition phase, and inspection practices will play important role in every energy scenario.

Referring to the buzzwords such as hydrogen fuel, and bio-fuel in energy transition phase, he said each of these sectors will require different inspection practices. The role of special techniques for these inspections will increase day by day. In such a situation, activity committee meets like this on ‘best inspection practices’ are quite relevant, he said.

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Sanjay Varma, Director (Refinery) of MRPL, said a lot many technological changes are envisaged as the world is moving into energy transition. “This will call for a quick de-bottleneck of the production lines, adoption of the new technology, sourcing cheaper raw materials, etc.,” he said, urging the need to have a clear strategy handling the transition.

M Venkatesh, Managing Director of MRPL, stressed the need to develop very practicable, target-oriented inspection practices to reduce emergency shutdowns in the refining sector.

Stating that reliability ensures the safety of the operating plant, he said it is critical that the refiners perform at their peak and always be safe so that they don’t get into an environmental incident or safety incident. The role of inspection becomes important in this situation, he said.

Experts will share knowledge about the latest trends and technologies and insights about best inspection practices in refineries, petrochemical complexes, oil and gas installations, and pipelines in this two-day event inaugurated on Thursday.