Wipro's new CEO, Mr T.K. Kurien, wants his company to be a new animal; ‘shaping' demand rather than fulfilling demand. Towards this, he wants his HR team to hire two kinds of people – one, highly skilled professionals who can shape the demand the way he views it; and two, freshers from colleges that would deliver on these promises.

However, it does not necessarily mean that a whole horde of experienced professionals would house Wipro's buildings.

“We don't need an army of experienced people,” Mr Pratik Kumar, Executive Vice-President - Human Resources, Wipro Ltd, told Business Line . The company, (which doesn't give out recruitment estimates for the future) says that around 70 per cent of its hires for 2011-12 would be from colleges.

The remaining would be lateral, or experienced, hires. Among freshers, around 70 per cent to 75 per cent of the people would come with an engineering background, while the remaining would have a Science background.

Wipro added 14,314 people in 2010-11, as compared to TCS, the industry leader, which added more than 38,000 people in the same period. Responding to this, Mr Kumar countered by asking if hiring was the only indicator of growth.

Training facilities

He said that the company has training facilities that can be used to upgrade the skills of its employees, which means that it doesn't necessarily have to hire people all the time.