
Bengaluru recorded 29 million transactions valued at ₹6,500 crore, the highest number of digital transactions across 12 cities in the country, according to Worldline India. Mumbai, New Delhi, Pune, and Chennai were the other top five cities on the list.

In 2022, digital payments via UPI were at an incremental high. Popular payment instruments like UPI, cards, and PPIs clocked over ₹149.5 lakh crore worth of digital transactions in 2022.

physical merchant

In 2022, frequently visited physical merchant categories such as grocery stores, restaurants, clothing and apparel, pharmacy and medical, hotels, jewellery retail, specialty retail, household appliances, and department stores together accounted for over 43 per cent in terms of volume and about 40 per cent of value.

While in the online space, e-commerce (shopping for goods and services), gaming, utility, and financial services contributed to over 85 per cent of transactions in terms of volume and 25 per cent in terms of value. The education, travel, and hospitality sectors contribute the remaining 15 per cent and 75 per cent in terms of volume and value, respectively.

“I am amazed every day to see the incredible progress we have made in the digital payments ecosystem over the past few years. The adoption of multiple payment solutions is a boon in our journey to realize the dream of a less-cash India,” said Ramesh Narasimhan, CEO, Worldline India.

Worldline, a payment service provider, has released an analysis of the transactions processed by them in CY22 (January–December 2022) and has derived some unique insights.