Even as life appears to be coming back to normal, IT professionals and other workers seem to be in no mood to return to offices. In fact, they are ready to turn down offers of promotion for the option of work from anywhere.

A global survey conducted by software firm Ivanti, which provides ‘Everywhere Workplace Solutions’ says that a whopping 71 per cent of the respondents prefer to work from anywhere rather than get a promotion.

However, the respondents did admit that there was a flip side to WFH, with a sizeable number saying it impacted their mental health. “About 10 per cent of the respondents reporting a negative effect on their mental health,” it points out.

Ivanti’s annual ‘Everywhere Workplace’ study surveyed over 6,100 office workers and IT professionals across the UK, US, France, Germany, Netherlands, Brussels, Spain, Sweden, and Australia to throw light on the mood of the employee.

“The pandemic has catalysed a monumental shift in where and how people work,” Jeff Abbott, Chief Executive Officer of Ivanti, said. Increasing automation for mundane tasks could improve employee experience, he added.

Gender divide

The remote work also highlights a gender divide. About 56 per cent of female respondents said remote work has affected their mental health negatively. “Compare this with 44 per cent men who felt the same,” it said.

While 52 per cent of women reported having lost personal connection with co-workers, about 47 per cent of men said they lost personal touch.

More men than women report being passed over for a promotion in this digital-first culture. Women, however, are expected to work longer hours, but have benefited the most overall from the flexibility that remote work brings.

The great churn

Nearly a quarter of respondents have left their job in the past year during the ‘The Great Resignation,’ and another quarter of them are considering leaving in the next six months.

Return to the office policies are a key factor in driving resignations. Nearly a quarter of respondents said that they would quit their job if a full-time return to the office policy is enforced.

Hybrid model

The research found that 42 per cent of employees prefer a hybrid model of work, while 30 per cent of employees said they would prefer to work from home permanently (a 20 per cent decrease since the last study).

This shows that many employees are looking to interact with colleagues again. This decrease is attributed to lack of collaboration and communication with colleagues; and distractions, while working at home.