Start-up ecosystem player T-Hub has signed an agreement with Urbanco, an urban development corporation in the Maldives, to foster innovation and contribute to the advancement of smart and sustainable cities in the archipelagic country.

“The idea is to support Urbanco’s plan to transform Maldivian cities into smart and sustainable urban centres. T-Hub will leverage its extensive network of start-ups and expertise to customise and deploy innovative solutions that align with the unique ecosystem of the Maldives,” Mahankali Srinivas Rao, CEO of T-Hub, said.

“T-Hub’s start-up ecosystem and expertise in innovation will play a key role in transforming Urbanco’s vision into reality,” he said in a statement on Monday.

T-Hub will scout for solutions in key areas such as smart infrastructure, smart parking, smart city solutions, and sustainable waste management solutions.

The collaboration will progress through a structured plan for the next 60 days, including an analysis of Urbanco’s roadmap to make Hulhumalè a smart and sustainable city, followed by the identification of mutual goals and potential solutions.