In a major relief to Thiruvananthapuram MP Shashi Tharoor and the Congress, a Delhi court on Wednesday, discharged Tharoor in a case related to the death of his wife Sunanda Pushkar in a hotel here in 2014 . Both Tharoor and his party had faced attacks from the political opponents over Pushkar’s death. Special Judge Geetanjali Goel pronounced the order in a virtual hearing. Tharoor and the Congress welcomed the verdict, while BJP leader Subramanian Swamy, who has been campaigning against Tharoor on the issue, said he will be an intervenor if the Delhi Police appeals against the order.

While expressing “humble thanks” to Judge Goel for her orders, Tharoor said that he has always described the charges levied by the Delhi police as preposterous. “This brings a significant conclusion to the long nightmare which had enveloped me after the tragic passing of my late wife, Sunanda. I have weathered dozens of unfounded accusations and media vilification patiently, sustained by my faith in the Indian judiciary, which today stands vindicated,” Tharoor said.

He added that the process is all too often the punishment in the country’s justice system. “Nonetheless, the fact that justice has been done, at last, will allow all of us in the family to mourn Sunanda in peace. I am grateful to my lawyers, particularly Vikas Pahwa and Gaurav Gupta, for all that they have done to bring the case to this conclusion,” Tharoor said.

Congress said the truth always wins. “The truth always wins. The constant abuse, innuendos and slander of our colleague Shashi Tharoor by BJP and its crony TV anchors come to naught. Will the PM now apologise for his intemperate remarks? Will the same TV anchors do a debate and apologise today," AICC general secretary Randeep Singh Surjewala asked on Twitter.

Congress Chief Whip in Rajya Sabha Jairam Ramesh tweeted: "For seven years my friend and colleague Shashi Tharoor was harassed and subjected to vilification, abuse and mental torture. Today, he stands vindicated and the MoSha (Modi-Shah) duo along with their hatchet men stand totally exposed. Jai Ho for the judiciary. All is not lost yet.”

Senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy said he had petitioned to be in intervenor in the case, but both the accused and the prosecutor opposed his petition. “Thus I was kept out. If DP (Delhi Police) appeals against this order in the High Court, then I will again seek to intervene,” Swamy said in Twitter.