The BJP on Monday severely criticised the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for equating the relationship between his government and the Centre as an “India-Pakistan like situation”.

Kejriwal, who is locked in a bitter dispute with the BJP-led Central Government over the exercise of his powers as Chief Minister, had during an interactive online session on Sunday accused the Centre of not allowing him to work, blocking Bills passed by the Delhi Assembly and creating an “India-Pakistan like situation”.

Bristling with the Delhi CM’s penchant to attack the Centre, especially Prime Minister Narendra Modi, whom he has once described as a “psychopath”, Union Minister Vijay Goel warned Kejriwal of a “public campaign” against him if he continues to make such “baseless and irresponsible” statements.

‘India victimising Pak?’ “It is shocking that Kejriwal is equating Delhi with Pakistan. It is an anti-national statement. His statement implies that India has been victimising Pakistan and that is what Pakistan’s propaganda machinery has been trying to establish. It is unacceptable. I am warning him, if he continues to make these statements, we will fight him on the streets,” said Goel, who is the Minister of State for Sports and Youth Affairs.

Goel said Kejriwal uses “uncouth expressions” to generate controversy with the purpose of diverting focus from the crisis of governance in Delhi. “He must apologise to the nation for making such irresponsible statements. It is unbecoming of a CM. If he doesn’t apologise, the people of Delhi along with BJP workers will launch an agitation to compel him to do so.”