Covid campaign

With reference to ‘Communication, the best shot for vaccination’ (May 4), the main reason for delayed inoculations is due to certain vested interests spreading misinformation about the efficacy and side-effects of the vaccines. The massive campaign initiated to highlight the importance of social distancing, wearing masks and regular washing of hands must now include the need for every citizen to get vaccinated.

Though the Central/State governments and local bodies are implementing adequate health safety measures, creating awareness amongst the people about the gravity of the Covid problem is the need of the hour.

Sitaram Popuri


Time for introspection

Apropos ‘Federal fiction’ (May, 4), though the TMC, DMK and the Left may celebrate their impressive wins, there is no denying the spirited fight and the steady inroads made by the BJP in Bengal and Tamil Nadu, besides its victories in Assam and Puducherry. The aggressive welfarism and appeasement politics of the triumphant regional parties cannot fetch them results forever. The growing fiscal deficit of the economy cannot not be bridged by printing more currency.

It is time for introspection not only for the Congress, but for the BJP and the other regional parties as well. Undeniably, the BJP rule since 2014, has been, by and large, corruption free and the nation free of terror attacks against civilians.

However, now that the election results are out, the first priority for the governments at the Centre and in States must be control of the coronavirus, improve the health infrastructure and mass vaccination. After the mass electoral hysteria, it is now time for governance.

V Jayaraman


Big parties need to rethink

The Assembly election results in the four States has thrown up many dimensions. A strong Opposition is important for a healthy democracy. The share of the Congress party has been sliding election after election. It’s time the party set its house in order.

The BJP has been trying to make inroads into the southern States, but the progress hasn’t been as expected. The party has to chalk out more concrete plans in grooming local leaders in each district.

RV Baskaran


Punish the hoarders

During the ongoing second wave of the pandemic non-availability of Covid drugs and oxygen is observed. This is mainly due to hoarding, and the prices of drugs like Remdesivir have skyrocketed in the black market. There are long queues in the places they are sold.

It is inhuman and criminal if intermediaries exploit the patients in such critical times and earn unreasonable profits.

Such malpractice goes against the government objective of controlling Covid and saving lives and, therefore, an ordinance may be promulgated immediately categorising hoarding of any medicine or oxygen as culpable homicide and making the applicable punishment valid for these offences also.

M Raghuraman


Inclusive development

This is with reference to ‘Challenges for inclusive development’ (May 4). In order to make India a $5-trillion economy, the government has to invest heavily in health, education, infrastructure and agriculture. The pandemic has revealed how pathetic our healthcare system is.

The government should build more hospitals, improve sanitation, make medical education less costlier, and improve the working conditions of doctors. The government should also invest in medical research, the lack of which is driving many of our doctors in search of greener pastures.

The education system should be job oriented and not merely academic. Big businesses should be encouraged to invest in projects in rural areas, which in turn will boost small and cottage industries and create employment opportunities for locals, thus preventing them from coming to already crowded cities.

Veena Shenoy
