On his 400th death anniversary, a celebration of Shakespeare’s enduring charm

No fear Shakespeare

Presenting an antidote to the ‘Shakesfear’ gripping campuses everywhere — a concoction that uses everything from manga to masala Bollywood

The play’s the thing

The Prince of Elsinore remains an inspiration for a scholar who single-handedly ran a magazine devoted to the Shakespearean play for 25 years

The wandering players

The story of the Shakespeare Wallah in pictures

A method in the madness

The classical brilliance of a Laurence Olivier or a John Gielgud is handy if you’re making a Shakespeare film. But as several directors have proved, a rose in another language, era or cultural setup, smells just as sweet

All the world’s a Globe

Reconstructed in 1997 by Chicago-born Sam Wanamaker, the Globe Theatre continues to be about all things Shakespeare. Here’s a collection from some of its recent performances

Stratford upon Bundelkhand

Shorn of awe for the Bard’s literary status in the English language, Vishal Bhardwaj appropriates him to create a contemporary realm of experience

Three-act penance

A chance visit to the Bellary jail led Hulugappa Kattimani to pass on his theatre acumen to prisoners, some of whom have been profoundly affected by the onstage experience

Blast from the repast

With his inimitable flair, Shakespeare tells us not just what his characters ate, but also how it was made

Blame it on the Bard

How a resolve to read every Shakespearean play ended on an anticlimactic note

Dear Will, it’s not us, it’s you

An open letter to Shakespeare from his tragic characters