The Union Government has finally made a move to remove anomalies in salaries and wages of nearly 19,000 officers of Coal India Ltd. Agreed in a 2007 wage pact, the payment could not be released by CIL due to fallacies in the Government guidelines.

Formal proposal

On Friday, the Coal ministry placed a formal proposal before the Cabinet Secretariat to seek the Government’s nod for release of performance-related-pay (PRP). The proposal may be cleared by the Cabinet Committee of Economic Affairs this month, subject to approval of the Election Commission.

A formal note is placed with the Cabinet Secretariat this afternoon. It will be taken up for approval subject to Election Commission’s approval, a source told Business Line .

In March, the CIL officers called a three-day strike in protest against the prolonged indecision on the part of the Government. To pacify the agitating officers, a committee of secretaries nodded in favour of the proposal on March 12.

Responding to the decision, Coal Mine Officer’s Association of India withdrew the strike midway and granted the Government a four- to six-week window to resolve the issue.