When this reporter met Satya Nadella four years ago, he was busy positioning Microsoft’s search engine, Bing, as the next big thing in helping users take informed decisions. Few anticipated then that he would emerge a strong contender to become the CEO of the biggest tech company in the world.

Ever since reports emerged that the Hyderabad born Nadella could soon be named as the chief of Microsoft, his friends and classmates in Hyderabad have been excitedly exchanging mails and messages. Facebook pages of Nadella’s friends from Manipal are abuzz with posts and anecdotes.

Phani Krishna, his childhood friend and classmate, who worked with him at Microsoft for some time, recollects the days they spent together at the Hyderabad Public School (HPS) where Satya studied for four years. He was always in the top league in academics and a cricket lover, Phani recollects. “What I remember most about him was his social behaviour, which is extremely affable.”After leaving HPS, Satya moved to Mangalore to pursue his Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering. A classmate from Manipal Institute of Technology said Satya always stood out as a student.

“He was good at everything and displayed leadership qualities from his school days,” says this classmate who declined to be named since Satya’s elevation is not yet official.

Colleagues at Micrososft also hold him in respect.

“I don’t know whether anyone can understand what it means to be at the helm of Microsoft. You need to be an extraordinary leader to get there. A person with values, integrity and talent to outwit the best minds in the competition,” said a Microsoft staffer, who has seen from close quarters.

Anand Mallipudi, a long time friend and HPS alumnus, recalls Satya was not a bookworm, though was a hardworking student. He was more into sports like many other hostellers.

Faiz Khan from the Paigah family, one of the oldest families in Hyderabad, says he reconnected with Satya after a gap during the 25th Passing Out fete held in 2009.

“We were together at the school. He opened a robotics lab in the school about two years ago. His elevation would mean a lot for students. They will look up to him as he is to Microsoft what Mohammad Ali was to boxing,” he says.