Riding on higher imports and lower availability, masur has been rallying high over the last couple of session. Masur prices have increased ₹100-150 in the past week. In local mandis , masur (bold) was quoted at ₹5,450-5,500 a quintal on Friday, while masur (medium) ruled at ₹4,800-4,900. The rally in masur also lifted its dal with masur dal (medium) ruling at ₹6,350-6,500. Masur dal (bold) ruled at ₹6,650-6,700.

Given the steep decline in domestic stocks and higher import, prospects continue to be bullish for masur, said Mr Sanjay Agrawal.

Moong, which had been ruling stable over the last couple of sessions, has also gained ₹100 with demand outstripping arrivals. Moong (bold) rose to ₹6,800-6,900, while moong (medium) ruled at ₹5,800-6,000 a quintal. Moong dal gained on improved buying with moong dal (medium) being quoted at ₹7,600-7,800, moong dal (bold) at ₹7,900-8,200, while moong mongar ruled at ₹8,500-8,700. Compared to last week, moong dal is up Rs 200.

Urad and its dal, on the other hand, traded lower on slack demand with urad (bold) being quoted at ₹5,800-5,900 (down ₹100), while urad (medium) ruled at ₹5,000-5,500. Decline in urad also dragged its dal with with urad dal (medium) being quoted at ₹6,300-6,500, urad dal (bold) at ₹6,700-6,900, while urad mongar ruled at ₹7,600-7,900.