The district administration has launched an inspection drive against city’s polluting tanneries to ensure availability of clean Ganga water for pilgrims during next year’s Maha Kumbh Mela in Allahabad.

During checking, it was found that four out of the 80 tanneries closed down due to non-compliance of pollution norms were still functioning illegally, Regional Officer of Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB) Radhey Shyam said.

Besides, 19 tanneries were found illegally drawing electricity despite their connection having been snapped by the authorities, he said.

While the power supply of these units has again been disconnected, permission for closure of 15 more tanneries has also been sought as they were found violating environment norms, he said.

Out of the 402 tanneries in the city, 80 have so far been shut down for failing to comply with pollution control norms.