Sandip Sen makes valid points in support for setting up BPO facilities in rural India (‘How about Serve in India?’, September 10). Clearly, this will help generate employment in areas where traditional jobs aren’t available. It will also aid development of the local economies in which agriculture and small trade dominate livelihoods. The BPO firms will benefit from a more stable workforce in small towns. Tax concessions and soft loans will boost investments. Social unrest and the clamour for reservation largely arise from lack of opportunities. Cities cannot interminably take on the migrating flock nor can the government create employment on its own.

Anand Srinivasan


Shocking truths

It is highly deplorable that India stands 71 out of 96 countries in the social and economic wellbeing of its senior citizens, according to a report. Given that India has a highly religious society, in which family relationships are still important, this is surprising. Young people should realise that after some time they too will become senior citizens and their situation will be much more deplorable.


Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh

Caste politics

This is with reference to the news report, ‘Lalu will sacrifice personal ambitions to keep BJP out’ by Poornima Joshi (September 10). Politicians in India have played enough caste politics. It is surprising that Nitish Kumar has aligned with Lalu for the elections.

Bihar is rich in mineral wealth and has great heritage sites. The people are intelligent and hard working, and many skilled workers from Bihar are spread all over the country due to lack of job opportunities at home. Despite all this, Bihar is considered a poor State. One of the main reasons for this is that successive governments in Bihar gave caste politics more importance than development agenda and economic growth. The leaders of Bihar should talk of development, economic growth, and maintenance of peace instead of dividing people. If India has to become a super power and move forward , Indians should rise above caste- and religion-based politics.

Veena Shenoy

Thane, Maharashtra

Gold management

This refers to ‘Gold monetisation, sovereign gold schemes get Cabinet nod’ (September 10). It is comforting to see some positive developments after three years. Though these are steps in the right direction and may fetch some positive results, much more needs to be done, if at least a substantial portion of the estimated surface domestic stock of gold at 20,000 tonnes is to get into the mainstream. One, it would restore credibility in the institutional system if the present holders ‘sacrifice’ by temporarily parting with their prestigious possessions. Two, there should be clear disincentives for hoarding gold stock. And three, the government should consider recovering at least a part of the costs incurred for providing security for the stocks maintained by individuals/institutions.

MG Warrier


Nurture teachers

If a country has to make progress in various arenas, it needs well-qualified, dedicated teachers who can inspire ordinary students to dream extraordinary things. A good teacher is one who makes students realise that exams and grades are temporary, but education is permanent. Teachers are the most responsible and important people of society because their efforts affect the fate of the world. The government should take adequate measures to make the teaching profession attractive.

TS Karthik



* In the report headlined, ‘Sterling Generators eyeing Africa for next phase of growth’ (September 8), the location of the company’s manufacturing plant has been wrongly mentioned as Aurangabad. It should be Silvassa. The error is regretted.

* With reference to the article, ‘Amazon buys stake in Hyderabad-based Zippr’ (September 10),  Amazon has clarified that it has not made any investments in Zippr. The error is regretted.


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