This refers to the report “Gokarn to continue as RBI Deputy Governor till December 31”. When will we learn to implement succession plans for top government/public sector jobs in a graceful manner?

We all talk highly about the virtues of the private sector, but do we really allow the public sector to imbibe its good features? How else can one explain the difference between the selection procedures of successors for Ratan Tata and N. R. Narayana Murthy and those for identifying CEOs and top managers of public sector organisations?

Another point is that it will be next to impossible to attract talent to these government positions, given the meagre remuneration offered.

It suits an unstable government to have ‘yours obediently’ people who have no other place to go or those who find the postings as a stepping stone for career opportunities abroad. Not much research is needed to know why it tries to ease out people like D. Subbarao, S. Gokarn and Vinod Rai.

M. G. Warrier


Home loans

This refers to the editorial ‘Fixing home loans’ ( Business Line , November 20). It is grossly unfair of banks to palm off all the unpredictable risks of interest rates on to home loan borrowers.

They also need to understand that the borrower is making a big leap into the unknown. The loan advisory departments of banks are not concerned about the interest rate burden borrowers have to bear. Bare facts and figures are not laid thread-bare and prospective borrowers are lured into the sales talk of banks. Banks should deploy professional financial consultants as their employees.

Ashok Jayaram
