Name of the Company: SmarterHomes Technologies

Set up in: 2014

Based in: Bengaluru

Founders: Vivek Shukla, Kasturi Rangan

Funding received/ major tie-ups: Working with partners in The Netherlands, Finland, South Korea, UK, Portugal and Chile to roll out the solution at a global scale.

What it does: It provides quick and easy solutions for housing societies to adopt individual water metering. Most apartment residents do not like the idea of paying a flat fee for water and want to meter their consumption.

How it does it: The company's core product ‘WaterOn’ measures water consumption in individual apartments. It helps individual users to monitor, control and optimise their water consumption in real time. It also incorporates billing data, usage trends, forecasts and a 6-month historical view of the consumption.

Big moment: Was among the top four finalists at Utility Live 2016, UK for innovations in water technology; Managed to beat a hundred year old global meter manufacturer for a large order.

What's in store: To establish as the most advanced metering technology company with end-to-end solutions for high rise multi-dwelling units. Also to offer water meters across technologies.

Impact: Approximately 700 units have measured more than 25 million litres of water and have experienced a reduction of nearly 35 per cent from their pre-metering base line.