…I supported Deng Xiaoping through my cartoons in the FEER (Far Eastern Economic Review; he used cartoon posters — a good visual weapon — himself across China to oust the Gang of Four) because I respected his pragmatic reforms. Most of all, he suffered during the Cultural Revolution and was later purged by the Gang of Four. I believed that he would lead China into a brighter future with care and understanding, without repeating the horrors of the past.

On 4 June 1989, he betrayed me, just as he betrayed his people and the international community who trusted him. His government used the military to suppress its own innocent, unarmed people with firepower, brutality and insanity. And this on the authority of a parvenu who had suffered so much in the past yet was imposing it all over again on others!

Their suffering and agonies made me pick up my brush again to depict the plain truth and express my anguish, my sadness over the madness that had beset China once more.

( Excerpts from Tiananmen, 25th anniversary edition, by Morgan Chua; published with permission of Navayana .)