Marico, maker of Saffola brand honey, and Dabur are crossing swords over claims about their honey.

Marico has filed a complaint before the Advertising Standards Council of India challenging Dabur India’s claim that Dabur Honey has “passed the German NMR test”. The complaint has been admitted by the ASCI for further hearing.

“Marico filed an intra-industry complaint dated October 1, 2020, before the ASCI, against the ‘NMR tested pure honey’ claim by Dabur for its product Dabur Honey. The claim ‘NMR tested’ was considered false and misleading by implication and omission and upheld under Chapter 1.4 of the ASCI Code,” Marico said in a statement on Sunday.

Dabur also said it is filing a complaint against Marico with the ASCI for claiming its Saffola Honey had cleared an NMR test. “...their Saffola Honey sample from the market has failed the NMR test. Test reports clearly indicate presence of sugar syrup in Saffola Honey. Their claim on NMR test is misleading,” Dabur said in a statement on Sunday.