State-owned iron ore mining major NMDC’s performance during the month of September has shown steady growth both in production and sales.

Iron ore production for September was at 1.83 mt, a 11 per cent growth against production of 1.64 mt in September 2019.

Iron ore sales was at 2.11 mt, a growth of 10.50 per cent, against 1.91 mt in September 2019.

For the quarter ended September, iron ore production was at 5.63 mt, against 5.29 mt in CPLY, registering a growth of 6.5 per cent and sales were at 6.50 mt against 5.83 mt in CPLY, registering a growth of 11.5 per cent.

The Bailadila Projects at Chhattisgarh produced 1.32 mt in September compared to 1.05 mt of iron ore in September 2019, a growth of 26 per cent. Total sales of iron ore from Bailadila projects for the month were at 1.62 mt (1.34 mt), a growth of 21 per cent.

Sumit Deb, CMD, NMDC, said ‘’Since June the company is on a growth trajectory and will definitely keep improving in the months to come. Though 2020 has been challenging year, NMDC is consistently putting its best efforts to meet the demand of the domestic steel industry.”