The US today vetoed a UNSC resolution that would have condemned “illegal” Israeli settlements, despite all other states in the 15-member body, including India, voting for it.

“Consistent with our position that the settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories are illegal under international law, India has co-sponsored the resolution and voted in its favour,” said Mr Manjeev Singh Puri, India’s deputy envoy to the UN.

“It is our sincere hope and expectation that wiser counsel will prevail among the parties concerned and that the path of dialogue will be path followed to recognise peace in the region,” he added.

Israel’s refusal to extend a 10-month moratorium on settlement activity, last September, led to the Palestinian President, Mr Mahmoud Abbas, refusing to enter direct talks with the Israeli side, which had started after a two-year lull.

The US, however, wants the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to be resolved only through dialogue between the two parties and opposes the UN interference.

“Our opposition to the resolution before this Council today should therefore not be misunderstood to mean we support settlement activity,” said Ms Susan Rice, US envoy to the UN.

“But the only way to reach that common goal (peace) is through direct negotiations between the parties, with the active and sustained support of the United States and the international community.”

“Direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians have been and still remain the only way forward to resolve the long-standing conflict in our region,” said Mr Meron Reuben, Israel’s envoy to the UN. “The resolution before you should never have been submitted.”